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Writer's pictureDr. Ana@MindBeingWell

Quick Meditation for positive Self Regard, Self Esteem and Self Love

Every now and then, we each need a pick me up from a tough day. Tough days can beat us down spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. We need to rebuild our emotional and mental immune systems just as we do with our physical immune system. Here is a great quick meditation using healing crystals or any cherished item meditation and affirmation.

Start off by getting your favorite Crystal and Cleanse it. Preferably one related to your heart chakra or any chakra where you feel blocked.

You can cleanse crystals by sitting them in salt water for 20 minutes, or waving over fire/incense smoke for 20 seconds.

After Cleansing your Crystal of any negative energy:

Wait until you finish everything for the day, or are in a quiet space toward the end of the day ( preferably after your bath before bed).

Place your stone on your chest.

Close your eyes.

Take a few Deep Breaths.

Imagine the energy permeating your body and soothing your mind. Focus on your breath as you hold space in this energy.

Focus your energy on a promise to yourself.

Promise to believe (and act on the belief) of your lifelong journey, for better or for worse (meaning that if it gets worse you will work to improve it).

Promise to cherish your positive qualities and nurturing gratitude by comparing yourself favorably with real or imagined others, rather than trashing yourself by magnifying negative qualities and comparing yourself to others.

Speak Life, Promise, and Gratitude.

If this article helped you and you would like to seek therapy contact MindBeingWell at

+1 (678) 250-3093 or go to our website at

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If you or someone you know is considering suicide seek help and call the National suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. If you or someone you know has attempted suicide or has plans to attempt suicide dial 911. If you or anyone that you know is being abused or is a victim of sex trafficking call l-800- 799-SAFE for the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Go to our website for additional mental health resources. # YouAreNotAlone #EndtheStigma


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