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Mental Health & Wellness: Dealing with Covid 19, Economic Uncertainty, & Loss

Anaia Leilani Jolie, MS

Many of us are currently quarantining in the midst of the uncertainty brought on by a global viral pandemic. Over 350,000 people have been infected with Covid 19. The economic and social fallout of the contagion will likely change many lives internationally and personally. Adjusting to these changes may be challenging to most, including those dealing with mental illness. The good news is that these things are ways to ease the adjustments necessary to deal with the stressors of illness prevention and treatment, of unknown illness, the consequences of economic uncertainty, and possible grief/ loss. In this article and webinar we will give you tips and tools to get through this viral out

So, What is Covid 19?

Not-knowing is true knowledge. Presuming to know is a disease. First realize that you are sick; then you can move toward health.”

Lao Tzu,Tao Te Ching

Covid 19 is a pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan, China was first reported to the WHO Country Office in China on 31 December 2019.

The outbreak was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January 2020.

11 February 2020, WHO announced a name for the new coronavirus disease: COVID-19.

CO' stands for 'corona,' 'VI' for 'virus,' and 'D' for disease.

USA today ya a great article that explains the nature of viruses. Covid 19 is a type of virus. A virus is a microscopic piece of genetic material surrounded by a coat made of proteins. It enters healthy cells and hijacks them, creating copies of needs a living host to survive and outside of that host body it can not survive. So say a virus can not survive on metal alone (presumably).

When viruses begin replicating inside a living organism, they can cause an infectious disease.

On today monday march 23, 2020, John Hopkins university reports,

350,536 people have now been diagnosed with the virus, of whom 15,328 have died and 100,182 have recovered.

The country with the most confirmed infections remains China, with 81,496, followed by Italy, Europe’s worst hit country, with 59,138, then the US with 35,225, Spain with 33,089, and Germany with 26,220.

Covid 19 Aid in Prevention

Our Greatest Defense Against Disease: Our Own Immune System & Cleanliness

There are e two ways that our immune system can fight viruses like covid 19:

The body can attempt to attack the virus directly, stopping it from hijacking cells and spreading rapidly.

And second, the body can try to spot its own cells that are infected with the virus and kill those cells. That's obviously not ideal and can cause damage to your body – but it's often necessary to stop the spread of the virus.

Detecting a Weak Immune System:

Sugar Cravings

Calcium, zinc, chromium, and magnesium imbalances can manifest themselves as sugar cravings. If you’re craving sweets all of a sudden, most likely you are experiencing blood sugar fluctuations.


Feeling sluggish and tired over 40% of your week is a sign of fatigue. That's because your body is trying to conserve energy to fuel your immune system so it can fight off germs.


Stress decreases the body’s lymphocytes, the white blood cells that help fight off infection. The lower your lymphocyte levels, the more you’re at risk for viruses like the common cold.


Although age is not a single indicator of susceptibility it is a factor in immune system strength. As the body ages, the ability of the immune system to fight illness lessens. we age, our immune systems develop defenses against antigens. ... Others help coordinate other parts of the immune system. Although the number of T cells does not decrease with aging, T-cell function decreases. This causes parts of the immune system to weaken and increases the risk for becoming ill.

Maintaining a Healthy Immune System

Vitamins, Herbs and Nutrients

Vitamin A, B6, C, D and E can help increase the strength of the immune system. Vitamin C is the biggest booster of all and lack of it can cause several diseases including Scurvy. You can get Vitamin C from citrus fruits like Orange, Grapefruit, Spinach and Strawberries.

Recommended Daily Doses:

Vitamin A. Men: 900mg Women: 700mg

Vitamin B6 Men: 1.3-1.7mg

Women 1.3-1.5mg

Vitamin C. Men: 90mg Women: 75 mg

Vitamin E. Men: 1000mg Women: 1000mg


The average adult needs 6-8 hours of sleep per day but that's not all…Proper rest is as important as sleep.

Embrace dolce far niente or embrace pleasant and useful idleness. Pleasant idleness is a recharge for your mental and physical system.

Exercise (Move)

Take a hot shower

Brisk walk

Exercise indoors of quarantining

A few more Tips

Drink a glass of water. Some people say that dehydration can cause cravings.

Lessen alcohol Intake

Up your Vitamin D intake.

Eat a fruit. Having a piece of fruit may help satisfy sugar cravings for some people. ...

Avoid artificial sweeteners.

Eat more protein.

Sleep well. ...

Avoid excess stress

Possible Mental Health Ramifications of Covid 19 Outbreak

Covid 19 travel restrictions and quarantine regulations may interrupt businesses. This interruption can hinder medication refills and drs appointments. It is important to have adequate amounts of medication prior to a mandated quarantine. It is also important to schedule necessary doctors appointments, research online Therapy. Ask your therapist or doctor if they will take appointments via conference call.

Those with anxiety and compulsory disorders (such as panic disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder), will likely experience symptoms due to the feelings that there is a loss of control. Obsessions with cleanliness, and feeling "trapped" dominate. There are three techniques especially helpful for those suffering from anxiety during a pandemic.

Identify Usefulness

When experiencing a stressful thought, examine that thought carefully and ask yourself the purpose of the thought. Ask yourself if the thought has any value in your current situation. If it adds no value to the current situation and is not useful to you in any productive or positive way; then it is a useless thought. By identifying useless thoughts we can then channel that energy into useful thoughts that lead to ideas and solutions. This turns thoughts away from emotion and on to practicality.

Positive Distraction

Keep your mind occupied with something that you find interesting or motivating. This could be anything from singing, volunteering, or exercising. The important thing is to choose a constructive distraction instead of falling into unhealthy distractions like drinking or over-eating.

Depression and Isolation are also common during pandemics. People with depression may isolate for fear of contagion. Symptoms of depression may worsen due to lack of human interactions with support systems, and idleness.

Before self or imposed quarantine, gather tools necessary for your favorite sources of relaxation. For instance, if you enjoy meditation make certain to stock all materials used during meditation.

Fear can be debilitating for many and can cause improper rash judgement. Rash judgements worsen situations instead of improving them. Fear, however, is a natural reaction to uncertainty, probable danger or unfamiliar circumstance. So how does one replace fear with rationality?

Other Ways to Deal with Depression, Fear, & Anxiety While Boosting The Immune System

Increase Vitamin B3 and B9 ( folic acid ). People with depression, experience low serotonin levels. If someone has a deficiency of vitamin B3, they may see a negative effect on their mood. For people with depressive symptoms, a dose of 20 mg of B-3 each day can be helpful.

Taking Magnesium helps with eliminating symptoms of both depression and anxiety. Magnesium is important for the production of feel-good hormones in the brain.

Increase Vitamin C intake.

Dealing with Economic Uncertainty

Recession, Depression, Stock market Volatility and Job loss are all signals of hard times. Corvid 19 is an example of a stressor that may likely cause economic uncertainty. Financial security equates to sustainability for many of us. So, how to deal with the stress, anxiety, and possible depression? Proper planning and inventory. The American Psychological Association lists several ways to deal with and prepare for a slowing economy. Many ways involve becoming proactive in your present financial situation.

Proactive Actions To Limit the Impact of a Bad Economy and Reduce Stress

Identify your financial stressors and make a plan.

Take stock of your particular financial situation and what causes you stress. Write down specific ways you and your family can reduce expenses or manage your finances more efficiently. Then commit to a specific plan and review it regularly. Although this can be anxiety-provoking in the short term, putting things down on paper and committing to a plan can reduce stress. If you are having trouble paying bills or staying on top of debt, reach out for help by calling your bank, utilities or credit card company.

Identify unhealthy coping mechanisms & habits.

In tough economic times some people are more likely to relieve stress by turning to unhealthy activities like smoking, drinking, gambling or emotional eating. The strain can also lead to more conflict and arguments between partners. Be alert to these behaviors — if they are causing you trouble, consider seeking help from a psychologist or community mental health clinic before the problem gets worse.

Take this opportunity to learn something new to grow or as a Distraction; either way you are adding to your life rather than subtracting from it. A college course, a new trade, a language, or a hobby. Dedicate yourself to improving your mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual health. One can do this at low costs by riding a bike, walking, watching YouTube tutorials, reading, etc.

Lastly, consult a professional. Google financial experts on subject matter most related to your financial situation

For example, if on disability, you can Google: how to bgg budget on disability or rental protections for those who are disabled.

CareTaking, Grief, and Job Loss

Many may lose homes, jobs or even a loved one during the Covid 19 outbreak. Many still may act as caretakers for those suffering from the illness or caretakers of their pets or children. How then does someone dealing with mental illness handle these stressors?

Protect Yourself

Do not place yourself in unnecessary situations of possible exposure to illness. Those with Covid 19 should self quarantine or hospitalize.

Know when is Enough

Say no when you have to say no. Remember that in order to help someone rldr you must first take care of YOU. Get the proper rest, nourishment, and me time in order to process and deal with situations.

Remain Informed / Pay Attention

Pay attention to reputable media, government agencies and scientists on any developments during economic uncertainty and a pandemic.

How to Deal with Job loss

During times of economic uncertainty, job loss is a reality.

Be Mindful, Practice Gratitude and Be Positive

Remember that you have a job currently. Be thankful and perform with zeal at your job. By practicing Gratitude.

Perform Career Inventory

Look at your career presently. Review your career goals. Make a plan to reach those goals or make an alternate plan to reach those goals should job loss occur.

Polish your Resume

Look up new and exciting resume templates. Polish up that resume

Mentally Prepare

Mentally prepare for a scary scenario. Go over how it may occur, what you would do after you lose your job and develop a plan to cope with that day should it happen. For example, "should that happen, plan a day at the movies, the spa, and if you are enterprising throw yourself into a new business!

Develop a Buddy System

Keep a worst case scenario buddy who you will talk too in the event that you lose your job or in the event that they lose their job. If neither of you lose your jobs, plan how you will celebrate!

Don't Dwell

Lastly, don't dwell on presumable job loss. You may keep your job. Keep living and working. Worrying and Stressing is useless and will not help you keep it nor perform well at it.

Help with dealing with Death, Dying and Grief

Unfortunately, pandemics claim countless lives. Preparedness and time help with eliminating the negative emotions and effects of these occurrences.

Locate important Documents.

Locate, store and reveal the location to a trusted person of any important documentation and information. This way if something unfortunate occurs, a trusted person is in charge of health or death wishes.

Remain in contact with your support system or aquire one.

A support system can include a therapist, friends, family, neighbors and even your four legged best friend.

Remember that grieving is a process and it takes time. Do not rush your feelings nor your experience. Healing is not specific and it belongs to you.

In short, if we are healthy and take care of our bodies and minds we can prepare ourselves for life's uncertainties. These uncertainties may not be easy to endure but they are survivable.

Take Care and On Today, MindBeingWell!

For vital information during this time on Covid 19 and Beyond: centers for disease control world health organization

If this article helped you and you would like to seek therapy contact MindBeingWell at

+1 (678) 250-3093 or go to our website at

My Blog and Vlogs are independent informative articles. Any donations given to show that you enjoyed the information presented are appreciated !

If you or someone you know is considering suicide seek help and call the National suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. If you or someone you know has attempted suicide or has plans to attempt suicide dial 911. If you or anyone that you know is being abused or is a victim of sex trafficking call l-800- 799-SAFE for the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Go to our website for additional mental health resources. # YouAreNotAlone #EndtheStigma

MindBeingWell Mental Health & Wellness

+1 (678) 250-3093


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