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7 Days to a Healthier Heart Chakra: A Week Of Self Love & Compassion Feb14 th Alternative /Addition)

Anaia Lei'lani Jolie', MS

" Cupid is Stupid " parties, Singles speed dating, Girls night out, Lonely Hearts Clubs, Self help books….tons of a advice; all sound familiar to singles around valentines day. Many have minimized the date or trivialized it by pointing out it commercialism. Others have researched the history of the holiday and decided that we are simply not acknowledging the day. Others focus on the love that we have for our family, friends and pets. All of these are sensible and valid ways to spend St. Valentine's day. In this blog, I would like to suggest one more way to spend the pre-Spring holiday: Strengthening, healing, and/or regenerating your Heart Chakra ( love , compassion & safety energy).

So, what are Chakra's?

The word Chakra means "wheel" or "disk" as they are often depicted as circular balls of energy. Chakras are vital energy sources that regulate our body, mind, and emotions.

Imagine yourself sitting( if you aren't already) and imagine a rainbow prism of light. Imagine that light inside of you. Imagine that each color has its own beam of light. Each light will connect to a center of the body.

Chakras are considered as the energetic centers of our body. The chakra would be the rainbow prism. Each chakra is represented by a specific color from the seven rays of the spectrum light, or rainbow with the color light considered as an electromagnetic wave affecting our body and soul at 360 degrees. Chakras are centers where major nerve points meet and where life force, or "prana," is supposed to flow in an harmonic way.

The concept of a universal life energy flowing through our bodies has ancient roots dating back to 5,000 B.C. in India (with the word prana) and 3,000 B.C. in China (with the word ch'i). These are some of the names used to describe the life force, the vital energy.

There are 7 major Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus, Sacral, Heart, Throat, Crown,and Third eye.

Diagram of Chakras and Their Life Energy Function:

Each Chakra is equally important for a balanced body and mind. The first sign of chakra imbalance is a physical or emotional symptom. Frequent colds or persistent relationship problems, for example, could indicate that you need chakra alignment. Stress, Depression,Chronic anxiety, persistent Heart burn, poor concentration; all symptoms of chakra imbalances.

The Heart Chakra

Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is the Heart chakra and we can find it in the center of the chest and it is related to color green and at its height the heart chakras color of green turns pink. The heart chakra is at a physical level to our heart, our thymus and all the endocrine system. This chakra relates to love, compassion, connection, and sense of safety. This chakra is where the physical body and the spiritual meet and, therefore, affects physical and spiritual wellbeing. When activated, the anahata chakra promotes love, compassion, forgiveness and both self-acceptance and acceptance of others. When this chakra is out of balance we feel deeply confused, helpless, and abandoned. To let the energy flow again and balance this chakra, we could energize our space with green elements such as plants, a green item for our outfit such as bracelets, necklace or even a dress , and more fresh organic leafy-green vegetables for our nutrition.

When the Heart Chakra is imbalanced,individuals experience narcissism, jealousy, relationship problems, social isolation or clumsiness, falls prey to narcissist and manipulators, self loathing, low self esteem, social anxiety, asthma, heart and circulatory problems.

So, leading up to Valentine's Day let's shift our mental energy from teddy bears, cards and chocolate ( well maybe not the chocolate and moderation of course :) and shift instead to regenerating our Heart Chakra.

****Each activity in this Guide can be repeated this Week at ANY Time throughout This Week****

Day One: The Color Green

Even if you don't favor the color green, make a point to:

Wear Something Green today.

Then, Find one green thing that you can wear or use every day for 14 days : a green pen, a green bracelet, green nail polish,etc..

Create a Self Road Map. Get a card board, or drawing board/ black board if you have access to those.

Draw a figure that resembles a person (this will represent you.)| From that figure, draw lines to your first memories and as you remember events connect more lines to those memories and events in chronological order.

An example would be a genealogy map with you being the matriarch or patriarch. When you get to present day, draw lines to where you would like to go from there.

Make a plan.

Day Two: Crystal Cleansing

Heart Chakra Energy Crystals: Rose Quartz, Jade, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline.

Buy and clean or clean your healing crystals.

Healing crystals, or gemstones, are part of a category called “vibrational healing.” They both absorb and give energy, so it’s important to discard any built-up negativity. Cleansing freshly bought crystals are necessary to eliminate any negative energy. While water, an overnight salt water bath, sunlight and moonlight methods found here can be used to cleanse, the Earth and Fire methods are the least evasive for your stones.

Earth Method involves placing your stone underground for a day or night. Let the earth soak up all the negative energies. Once recovered. The earth, rinse with spring water so that they are cleansed and refreshed.

Fire Method

Wave your stone over your smoke source ( Fire or Incense smoke) for 20 to 30 seconds to cleanse it while simultaneously purifying your home

Direct fire immediately burns away any negative energy and is done in a matter of seconds over a candle. Smudging can be done with sage sticks, palo santo, or commercial incense like sandalwood or cedar, which is known to remove negativity.

After Cleansing your Crystal:

Wait until you finish everything for the day, or are in a quiet space toward the end of the day ( preferably after your bath before bed).

Place your stone on your chest.

Close your eyes.

Take a few Deep Breaths.

Imagine the energy permeating your body and soothing your mind. Focus on your breath as you hold space in this energy.

Focus your energy on a promise to yourself.

Promise to believe (and act on the belief) of your lifelong journey, for better or for worse (meaning that if it gets worse you will work to improve it).

Promise to cherish your positive qualities and nurturing gratitude by comparing yourself favorably with real or imagined others, rather than trashing yourself by magnifying negative qualities and comparing yourself to others.

Speak Life, Promise, and Gratitude.

Day Three: Healthy Body

Many foods aid in keeping a balanced heart chakra. Most are leafy foods like kale, broccoli and spinach . Others are avocado, cucumbers, and Granny Smith Apples ( no...Apple Martini's do not count).

Prepare a Two Green Smoothies (one can be a smoothie bowl) or Two Green Meals Today

Cardiovascular or Cardio are great ways to exercises to promote healthy and balanced heart chakra.

Today, do one Cardio exercise to promote a healthy cardiovascular system.

Remember, exercise according to your health, and weight, and current conditions. Always consult a physician before beginning exercise that is contrary to previous orders or existing health conditions

Day Four: Bath and Tea Time

Several herbs are associated with the Heart Chakra: my favorites are Rose, lavender, chamomile, and honeysuckle. Buy or Make an Herbal Tea example found here.

Prepare an Herbal Tea

Store bought or recipe :

Receive: 3 tsp Hawthorn, 2 tsp Ginkgo Biloba, 1 tsp Lemon Balm

Run a warm bath.

Burn Rose, lavender or Vanilla Incense, or

Use an air purifier with essential oils. I prefer the air purifier since Heart Chakra energy is associated with Air. Essential oils to use: Rose, lavender, chamomile, honeysuckle.

Drink an herbal tea.

Caution:Do not use or drink Ginkgo if you are taking anticoagulant (blood-thinning) medications, such as aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), dipyridamole (Persantine), heparin, ticlopidine (Ticlid), or warfarin (Coumadin).

Caution: Do Not use or drink Hawthorn if you are taking digoxin (Lanoxin). Medications for high blood pressure (Beta-blockers)Interaction Rating: Moderate Be cautious with this combination. Talk with your health provider. Hawthorn might decrease blood pressure.

Day Five: Yams and Jams

Yam is the Heart Chakra Mantra. F is the musical note that heals the heart chakra. The Yam Mantra is a one syllable sound chanted to help in healing and maintaining a balanced heart chakra. The F note is most closely associated with the bamboo flute.

Think of three negative statements that you sa is recently r today that you wish you said differently. Now is your opportunity to change that frequency in the universe. Reframe those three statements and then create three powerful affirmations.

Day Six: Loving on Our Lifelines

Several animals are helpful in balancing the Heart chakra. One of them tends to be one of our best friends. Animals associated with the Heart Chakra are: The Dog, Antelope, Wolf, Dove, Orangutan, Hummingbird, and Deer. Likewise, Air is the healing element of the Heart Chakra. Use this day to get out and enjoy fresh air by :

Walking and playing with your dog. Imagine who your dog thinks that you are to them.

Mirror the person that your dog believes that you are on today.

Show Gratitude to the Earth by volunteering with an Environmental Task force, volunteer at a zoo.

Go biking and Deer watching.

Show Gratitude today to those that you love the most.

Day Seven: Love Yourself

Today is the last day of your heart chakra regeneration and it feels superb! If you have completed each day and feel cleansed, let's incorporate the color pink in with the color green.

Buy a Rose Quartz and Cleanse it,and Meditate with it.

Wear something Pink or Buy a Pink coronation, rose, or flower.

Plant flowers : particularly Carnations, Roses, Azaleas or Hibiscus.

Combine two or more of the Heart Chakra activities. Preferably 5. I like to do 5 daily. The wonderful point about balancing chakras is that balancing one often overlaps balancing another. For example: Cardio helps with the heart, muscles and arterial blood flow. Those are also vital for Root Chakra balancing. Chanting is useful in balancing the Heart and Throat chakra. The list goes on and on as Chakras overlap in different ways.

Balancing chakras alone can not cure serious mental illnesses. However, it is a viable alternative method of healing emotional trauma, dealing with stress, and improving physical health on your path to wellness.

**I want to caution that chakra balancing can be tedious. It depends on the level of imbalance and the capability and willingness of the individual to heal. These are all just preliminary heart chakra healing techniques. Those with deeper wounds and deep set heart chakra imbalances will need more than 7 days to search, heal and balance. Individuals may experience depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress and many other symptoms of mental illness as they uncover and deal with purging negative thoughts,emotions, behaviors, habits, and people out of their space.

If this article helped you and you would like to seek therapy contact MindBeingWell at +1 (678) 250-3093 or go to our website at My Blog and Vlogs are independent informative articles. Any donations given to show that you enjoyed the information presented are appreciated ! Make Donations Here~Thanks For Your Support!

If you or someone you know is considering suicide seek help and call the National suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. If you or someone you know has attempted suicide or has plans to attempt suicide dial 911. If you or anyone that you know is being abused or is a victim of sex trafficking call l-800- 799-SAFE for the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Go to our website for additional mental health resources. # YouAreNotAlone #EndtheStigma

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